Your Legal Status
Up-to-date information about Ukrainian citizens entering Bulgaria
You are now in a safe place! We know it’s important for you to know what rights you have in our country, so please read the following information. Here is a summary of the two options you can choose from:
1. Receive immediate temporary protection for at least 1 year
2. Be our dear guest for the next 90 days
Discover more information down below.
On March 3, 2022, the European Council implemented the Directive on the temporary protection of Ukrainian citizens entering the territory of the Member States of the European Union. This directive is an instrument that allows large groups of citizens coming from countries with military conflicts to receive temporary protection in the EU.
This enables all people running from the war in Ukrainian to gain access to rights on the territory of Bulgaria. For up-to-date information on all Ukrainian citizens who have already entered our country or who are yet to come to our country – continue down the page.
Bulgarian Helsinki Committee’s program for the legal protection of refugees and migrants running form the war in Ukraine of the has opened a hotline for legal assistance.
You can call on the following phones:
Monday to Friday, 09:00 to 17:00:
00359 2 980 20 49
00359 2 981 33 18
Monday to Friday, 09:00 to 17:00: 00359 8888 19 745 (hotline)
Foundation for Access to Rights – FAR ( supports refugees, migrants and asylum seekers in Bulgaria in accessing their fundamental rights.
The information platform was created with the most important information about daily access to rights in Bulgaria and with an interactive map of refugee and migrant service providers in the country. (QR code
If you are looking for legal advice from a lawyer, complete the online request “Ask for help” and our lawyer will contact you (QR code
Contact us every working day from 09:00 to 18:00 on the hotlines:
+359 884 334 283 with Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian language
+359 882 873 238 with English, Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian
Entering Bulgaria
Тhe Republic of Bulgaria, as part of the EU, has an agreement with Ukraine from 2017 on visa-free travel. This guarantees the possibility for all Ukrainian citizens to enter the territory of our country only with their biometric passports and to stay there for a period of up to 90 days. After Russia’s attack on Ukraine on 24/02/2022, Ukrainian citizens automatically had the right to seek protection in the Republic of Bulgaria even without these conditions being met, that is, even if they do not have a valid passport for traveling abroad.
Due to the emergency situation, the entry of people running form the war in Ukraine is allowed those who:
- have an old format passport without biometric data:
- have an ID card;
- have driving license;
- have birth certificate – for children up to 14 years;
- do not have any of these documents, but have other official documents that indicate their identity – for example: certificates, passes, diplomas, membership cards, bank cards, employment records, property documents and the like;
- do not have absolutely any documents – exceptionally and after an inspection by Border Police officers.
It is allowed to enter Bulgaria by car, regardless of whether or not there is international insurance. More information about car insurance after entering Bulgaria:
It is also allowed to enter Bulgaria with pets, regardless of whether they have identification with a chip accompanying passports or vaccination certificates. The relevant Bulgarian authorities have adopted a simplified procedure for these cases. More information on this issue – see: or write to e-mail:
Registration in Bulgaria
On March 3, 2022, the EU implemented the Temporary Protection Directive for people running from the war in Ukraine. This means that people running from the war in Ukraine automatically receive temporary protection as refugees in the territory of the EU Member States for an initial period of 1 year.
The Bulgarian government has adopted an act determining where and how people running from the war in Ukraine will be able to register in Bulgaria and obtain their Bulgarian residence documents as refugees under temporary protection.
This document is called “Registration card of a foreigner who has been granted temporary protection”.
After the expiration of 1 year, the term of temporary protection may be extended.
This period could be terminated earlier if the war is over and peace and independence are restored in Ukraine.
More information for temporary protection and where are the places, where you can issue a document for temporary protection, find out here:
Rights as a Refugee from Ukraine in Bulgaria
After the registration in Bulgaria and the receipt of the Registration Card of a foreigner who has been granted temporary protection by law, several important rights arise, without the need to obtain other registrations or permits. These rights apply for the duration of the temporary protection granted to them.
- to remain on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria;
- right to work and vocational training;
- appropriate accommodation or means of accommodation if necessary;
- social assistance;
- medical care in emergencies;
- to return freely to their country of origin.
The government announced that from March 7, 2022 it will provide a fixed amount of money per day for each Ukrainian citizen accommodated in private hotels, as well as in holiday resorts and bases of municipalities and government agencies.
- social assistance
- emergency medical care: People from vulnerable groups – children under the age of 18, unaccompanied children, pregnant women, single parents with minors, the elderly and people with disabilities, serious health problems, mental disorders victims of trafficking or suffering torture, rape or other severe forms of violence – have the right to full medical care as Bulgarian citizens.
Health insurance of Ukrainian citizens over 18 and under 63 for women and under 65 for men is covered by the state for a period of 90 days from the date of temporary protection. For persons under 18 years of age and over 63 years of age for women and over 65 years of age for men, the health insurance contributions will be at the expense of the state for the entire period of temporary protection.
- free education for children under 18: For more information on where and how to apply for school enrolment – read more here:
- free kindergarten for children up to 6 years: For more information on where and how to apply for enrolment in kindergarten – read more here:
- to return freely to their country of origin if they wish.
Additional rights:
- bank accounts and debit / credit cards – the country’s legislation allows Ukrainian citizens to open a bank account for basic operations. This account is opened in BGN and through it many payment operations can be performed – depositing, withdrawing money at a cash desk or ATM, transfers, including online. According to the law, banks offer payment services on this account free of charge or for a reasonable fee, regardless of the number of services provided through the account. Ukrainian citizens can use their Visa or MasterCard debit and credit cards within the daily limit set by Ukrainian banks and up to the guarantee limit for the specific card.

Temporary protection
- Who can apply for temporary protection?
- How long does the process take?
- What rights does temporary protection give me?
- Where can I issue a document for temporary protection?