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  • Temporary protection

    Useful information for Ukrainian citizens wishing to register and re-register cards for their temporary protection on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria

    Following Decision No. 54 of 25.01.2024 of the Council of Ministers to extend the period of temporary protection until 04.03.2025 and Decision No. 67 of …

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    Important information

    Continuing our joint efforts to protect the interests of Ukrainian citizens and ensure sustainable support within the legal framework, we are sharing a reminder regarding …

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    The deadline for the Humanitarian Aid Program for Displaced Persons from Ukraine is extended until July 31, 2024.

    By Council of Ministers Decision No. 297 dated April 26, 2024, the duration of the Humanitarian Aid Program for Displaced Persons from Ukraine with temporary …

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    Extension of the period of temporary protection until 04.03.2025.

    Extencion of the period of temporary protection until 04.03.2025. “After the enactment of Decision No. 54 dated 25.01.2024 by the Council of Ministers to extend …

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    Extension of the humanitarian assistance programme for displaced persons from Ukraine until 30.04.2024.

    The Council of Ministers adopted a Decision amending and supplementing the Programme for Humanitarian Assistance to Displaced Persons from Ukraine Granted Temporary Protection in the …

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    List of places and addresses for initial registration with temporary protection on the territory of the SDVR and ODMVR

    List of places

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    National portal for the people affected by the war in Ukraine

    National Hotline Numbers: 029055555 and +380322465075

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    Latest news

    Important information

    Jun 19, 2024 08:45
    Continuing our joint efforts to protect the interests of Ukrainian citizens and ensure sustainable support within the legal framework, we are sharing a reminder regarding the condi ...
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    Useful information for Ukrainian citizens wishing to register and re-register cards for th...

    Jul 05, 2024 07:29
    Following Decision No. 54 of 25.01.2024 of the Council of Ministers to extend the period of temporary protection until 04.03.2025 and Decision No. 67 of 01.02.2024 to approve sampl ...
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    The deadline for the Humanitarian Aid Program for Displaced Persons from Ukraine is extend...

    Apr 29, 2024 09:01
    By Council of Ministers Decision No. 297 dated April 26, 2024, the duration of the Humanitarian Aid Program for Displaced Persons from Ukraine with temporary protection granted in ...
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    Entered Bulgaria
    Remained in Bulgaria
    Registered for temporary protection

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