Ruse Region
They call Ruse “City of the free spirit”. And more – “Little Vienna” and “City of First Things”. The winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature Elias Canetti was born in Ruse.
Ruse is the largest Danube city in Bulgaria, the administrative center of Ruse district, located in northern Bulgaria. Its border coincides with the state border of Bulgaria with Romania – along the largest waterway in Europe, the Danube.
Rousse district has a favorable crossroads location, through which two Pan-European transport corridors pass: №7 (connecting the North Sea with the Black Sea through the Rhine-Main-Danube river canal) and №9 (starting from the Finnish capital Helsinki, passing through Vyborg, St. St. Petersburg, Pskov, Kaliningrad, Kyiv, Chisinau, Bucharest, Ruse, Veliko Tarnovo, Stara Zagora, Haskovo and ends at Alexandroupolis).
Administratively it includes 8 municipalities – Borovo, Byala, Vetovo, Dve Mogili, Ivanovo, Ruse, Slivo Pole and Tsenovo.
Along the coast of Ruse there are ports with national, regional and special purposes. There is a well-developed and well-developed railway infrastructure on the territory of Ruse district. The first railway line in Bulgaria – Ruse-Varna, was built in 1866, the Ruse railway. the station – over 150 years old – is in itself a remarkable architectural site.
Rousse District is the largest industrial zone in Northern Bulgaria. The most significant share in the region is occupied by trade, in second place is the manufacturing industry with subsectors of machine building and woodworking industry, transport and logistics. Ruse is a border, a port, an international train and road passes through the Danube Bridge, and the Free Zone, established in 1988, is an important export-import center, providing customs and tax relief to investors and traders operating on its territory.
Education & Child Care
The educational system of the district is well developed. In Ruse alone there are 19 kindergartens with established traditions in innovative education. 75 are the primary and secondary schools in the district, with a good presence in the system are the schools for vocational education in the fields of electronics, woodworking and interior architecture, clothing, agriculture. In Ruse for almost 60 years a five-year course in foreign languages is conducted in one of the most famous language high schools in Bulgaria – the English high school “Geo Milev”.
Angel Kanchev University of Ruse trains students and conducts basic and applied research related to the implementation of innovations in practice, which contributes to the development of highly qualified specialists and the sustainable development of the region and the country. The university has an extremely modern information and technological base. It is accredited by the National Agency with an extremely high score of 9.44. The University of Ruse has 20 accredited professional fields in the following areas of higher education: Pedagogical Sciences; Social, economic and legal sciences; Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Informatics; Technical sciences; Health, Social work and sports. The students study in 50 bachelor’s and over 80 master’s specialties, and there are 43 accredited programs for acquiring ONS “Doctor”.
11 are the large health establishments on the territory of the district, providing pre-hospital and hospital medical care, as well as the Center for emergency medical care.
Industry & Jobs
The economy of Ruse district is dominated by light industry – clothing, textiles and food industry, as well as chemical industry, shipbuilding, mechanical engineering, metalworking and military equipment.
Leading companies in technological services are – SET Pisibi Technology Ltd., Steiner Electronics Ltd. and Terracom Ltd., specializing in high-tech activities (drugs and products, computer and communication equipment, electronic and optical products); Montupe EOOD, AL Filter OOD, Kaolin EAD; Astra Bioplant, Orgachim AD, specialized in medium-high-tech activities (chemical products, production of biodiesel and vegetable oils, electrical equipment, machinery and equipment, automotive, extraction and processing of kaolin, quartz sands, clays, etc.); RU Angel Kanchev, Networks Bulgaria Ltd., Institute of Agriculture and Seed Science Obraztsov Chiflik, Intermedia Ltd., Opera Philharmonic Society Ruse, specializing in high-tech science-intensive services (research and experimental development, information technology, education, creative services).
The area is characterized by significant experience and traditions in agriculture. The region is particularly favorable for grain production, crop production and animal husbandry. Main crops are wheat, rapeseed, sunflower, corn. Relatively large meat processing companies also operate.
Among the sought-after professions on the labor exchange are international drivers, brokers, trade workers, service personnel in accommodation.
Cultural & Historical Heritage
Ruse region is attractive with its protected natural, cultural and historical and landmarks from different eras. Among the most significant are the Roman fortress of Sexaginta Prista; The National Archaeological Reserve “Rock Churches near the village of Ivanovo”, a site under the auspices of UNESCO; The rock monastery “St. Dimitar Basarbovski ”; Clock Tower – White; Eco-museum with an aquarium.
Rousse District is included by the Ministry of Tourism in one of the national destinations for wine and culinary tourism – Destination – “Moesia” – Oryahovo, Pleven, Svishtov, Ruse and in one of the cultural and historical destinations – Destination – “The capitals and cities of the Bulgarian kings and Patriarchs ”with the route Veliko Tarnovo – Ruse – Shumen – Pliska – Madara – Preslav – Silistra – Provadia – Varna. Destination “Moesia” includes the sites Cave Orlova Chuka – Ivanovo Rock Churches – Basarbovo Rock Monastery – Lipnik Forest Park – Sexaginta Prista, and the cultural and historical destination – “Capitals and Cities of Bulgarian Kings and Patriarchs” includes Ruse, Basarbovo Rock Monastery “St. Dimitriy Basarbovski ”, Cathedral of“ St. Trinity ”, Medieval town of Cherven, Ivanovo rock-hewn churches and frescoes.
Ruse hosts traditional international music festival – March Music Days, Tourist Fair Weekend Tourism Ruse, National Jazz Fest, and in the municipalities of the district are held many local festivals – fish, wine, attractive historical reconstructions of events.
The current prices for renting a home are between BGN 300 and BGN 500, depending on the size, location and type of construction.
Important Contacts
Employment Agency, Ruse Labor Office – Regional ads – DRSZ Ruse | Employment Agency (
Regional education management: Regional Department of Education – Ruse (
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