Free medical help
If you require urgent medical care, please dial the international emergency phone number 112

On this page you will find hospitals and doctors offering free medical care for everyone fleeing from the war in Ukraine.
The doctors listed on this page speak Ukrainian or Russian and are volunteers from the National Association of Volunteers of the Republic of Bulgaria. If you are a doctor and want to become a volunteer or you are already listed on our page, you can write to our support team at NAVRB will contact you!
List of practicing personal doctors in Burgas, Varna, Sofia and Plovdiv here
- Telemedicine services
If you are unable to visit a hospital or a doctor, book an appointment for an online consultation here
- Sofia

- Boulevard "Akademik Ivan Evstratiev Geshov " 2Е, 1330 g.k. Serdika, Sofia
- 0700 11 242
- Monday-Friday: 9:30AM. - 12:30PM.

University Hospital "St. Anna"
- Sofia, st. Dimitar Molov №1
- 02 / 9759329

Sheynovo Hospital
- 1504 Sofia, st. ”Sheynovo” № 19
- 02/ 965 94 81 ; 02/ 965 94 82

St. Sofia Hospital
Free examinations and consultations for pregnant women and conditions for the birth of babies of all women citizens of Ukraine.

Shterev Hospital
Pregnant refugees from Ukraine can apply for a free ultrasound examination, examination by a fetal medicine specialist or recording of children’s heart tones. The necessary organization has been created in the clinic so that women can be examined in a timely manner without a language barrier.

Specialized Eye Hospital "A.Pashev"
The management and staff of the hospital are ready to provide assistance to people running from the war in Ukraine in the form of free examinations for adults and children.
Patients must present their Ukrainian passport at the reception.
Doctors in Sofia
Pediatric Care
Evgeni Hristov Kraiselski
- Children’s Diseases
- Sofia, “Nikolay Kopernik” 9 Str.
- +359888836906
- Even dates 8-13; Odd dates 14-19
- Russian, English
Yuri Fandakov
- Children’s Diseases
- ul. “Kozyak” 1, 1407 Yuzhen, Sofia Care”
- +359888723274
- Every day 8.30-14
- Russian
Kristina Zaharinova
- GP, Children’s Diseases
- Sofia, “General Stefan Toshev” 15-17 Str.
- +359898421006
- Odd dates 8-19
- Russian
Denitsa Daskalova
- General Medicine with Pediatric Care
- Sofia, “Zdrave” 13 Str., Fl. 2
- +359897612729
- Every day 8.30-14 and on call
- Russian, English
Selma Tariq Al Shatri
- Children’s Diseases
- Sofia, “Center for Emergency Medica Care”
- +359878446978
- Shifts
- Russian, English, Arabic
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Danail Iliev
- Gynecology
- Sofia, “Nadezhda Hospital”
- +359899842084
- Russian, English
Rumi Ivanova
- Midwife
- Hospital
- +359876110709
- Shifts
- Russian, English
Tina Todorova
- Gynecology
- Sofia, “Doctor G. M. Dimitrov” 16 Blvd.
- +359896893321
- 24/7
- Russian, English, Arabic
Viara Dzhongova
- Gynecology
- Sofia, “LORA – Medical Center for Women”
- +359888231895
- Tue 8.30 – 13.30; Wed 14-19; Thu 8.30 – 14.30
- Russian
Valeri Netsov
- Gynecology
- Sofia, “Doctor G. M. Dimitrov” 16 Blvd.
- +359888904152
- 24/7
- Russian, English
Dr. Ihsan Hasan
- Gynecology
- „Doctor G. M. Dimitrov“ 16 Blvd.
- +359885839557
- Thursday 14:00PM.-18:00PM.
- Friday 09:00AM.-13:00PM.; 15:00PM-18:00PM.
- Russian, English
Georgi Krustev
- Gynecology
- Sofia, “Doctor G. M. Dimitrov” 16 Blvd.
- +359888372283
- Tuesday and Wednesday (in case of emergency 24/7)
- Russian, English
Atanas Chernev
- Gynecology
- ul. “Zdrave” 2, 1431 Sofia Center, Sofia
- +359888372283
- From 8.30 to 14
- Russian, English
- Can travel: Yes
Emilia Yankova
- Gynecology
- ul. “Emanuil Vaskidovich” 51, 1517 g.k. Suhata reka, Sofia
- +359888372283
- Tuesday and consecutive from 14:30 to 17:30
- Russian, English
Elena Chuprina
- Gynecology
- ul. “Emanuil Vaskidovich” 51, 1517 g.k. Suhata reka, Sofia
- +359889965263
- Tuesday and consecutive from 14:30 to 17:30
- Russian, English
Daniel Kirovski
- Аnesthesiology
- Sofia, “Center for Emergency Medica Care”, UMBALSM “N. I. Pirogov”
- +359877161134
- English, Serbian, Macedonian
Olga Shportko
- Anesthesiology & Resuscitation
- Sofia, “Aleksandrovska University Hospital”
- +359899158775
- 24/7
- Ukrainian, Russian, English
- Works with severe cases and surgical cases
Yulia Alexandrova Kraleva
- Аnesthesiology
- Sofia, “Emanuil Vaskidovich” 51 Str.
- +359887603178
- Mon-Sat
- Ukrainian, Russian, English
- In the hospital there are ophthalmologists who speak Russian. Can coordinate their examinations.
Irina Yatsenko
- Аnesthesiology
- Sofia, no personal cabinet
- +359878844651
- Ukrainian, Russian, English
Victoria Naidenova
- Cardiology
- Sofia, Mladost-1
- +359888260260
- 8-16
- Ukrainian, Russian, English
Diagnostic Imaging
Stefan Sotirov
- Infectious Diseases, Diagnostic Imaging
- Sofia, “Military Medical Academy”
- +359887735566
- Russian
Vanyo Sharkov
- Diagnostic Imaging
- Sofia, “UMHAT St. Anna”
- +359887205771
- 24/7
- Russian
General Practitioner (GP)
Lubomir Dimitrov
- General Practitioner (GP)
- Sofia, “Vezhen” 12A Str.
- 028654999
- +359888951627
- Every work day 8.30-12.30 & 14.30-17.30; Wed 8.30-13
- Russian, English, German
Ivan Kovachev
- General Practitioner (GP)
- Sofia, “Diagnosis-Consult Centre-5”
- +359886179547
- Mon & Wed 14-17; Tue, Thu & Fri 9-12
- English
Stanislava Kraiselska
- General Practitioner (GP)
- Sofia, “Nikolay Kopernik” bl. 251 Str. (Ramus Lab)
- +359899847806
- Even dates 8-13; Odd dates 13.30-19
- Russian
Dr. Petya Mikhailova
- General Practitioner (GP)
- bul. “General Eduard I. Totleben” 21, 1606 Pette Kyosheta, Sofia
- +359877559083
- 08:00 – 13:00 and 13:30 – 18:00
- Russian, English
- Can travel: Yes
- Telemedicina: Yes
Antoaneta Nikolova
- General Practitioner (GP)
- Sofia, “Diagnosis-Consult Centre-18”
- +359898747749
- Mon, Wed & Fri 8-13; Tue & Thu 16-18
- Russian, German
Plamen Topalov
- General Practitioner (GP), Internal Diseases
- Sofia, “General Stefan Toshev” 15 Str., cab. 210
- +359888963531
- Even dates 13-18; Odd dates 8-13
- Russian
Galya Georgieva Kondeva
- General Practitioner (GP), Internal Diseases, Clinical Hematology
- Sofia, “Vita Hospital”
- +359898421006
- Mon-Fri 8-14
- Russian, English
Zdravko Krusharski
- General Practitioner (GP), Children’s Diseases
- Sofia, “General Aleksandar V. Suvorov” 30 Str.
- +359882420272
- Work days 8.30-13 & 16-18
- Russian
Atanas Peltekov
- General Practitioner (GP)
- ul. “Emanuil Vaskidovich” 51
- +359899929319
- Even dates: 8:00AM.-13:00PM.
- Odd dates: 13:00PM.-18:00PM.
- Russian, English
Albena Hlebarova
- General Practitioner (GP)
- g.k. “Ovcha Kupel” 2 2, 1632 g.k. Ovcha kupel 2, Sofia
- +359888647108
- 8:00AM.-13:00PM.
- Russian
Paramedic Help
Christian Liebig
- Paramedic Help
- +359896616677
- English
- pre-booking
Diana Dobreva-Hristova
- Psychologist
- Sofia, “Trakia” 52 Str.
- +359888582815
- 14-18
- Russian
Fani Tsurakova
- Psychologist
- Sofia, “Dunav” 22 str
- +359888719819
- by prior arrangement by e-mail:
- Russian, English
- Can travel: No
- Telemedicine: No
Silvia Marinova
- Psychologist
- Sofia, Obelya 1
- +359888654150
- Pre-booking
- Russian, English
- Can travel: No
- Telemedicine: Yes
Boryana Krasteva
- Psychologist
- Sofia, “Krakra” 24 str.
- +359897989103
- Pre-booking
- Russian
- Can travel: No
- Telemedicine: No
Ivet Prokopova
- Clinical psychologist
- Sofia, “Iskar” 82 str.
- +359885105658
- Pre-booking
- Bulgarian
- Can travel: No
- Telemedicine: No
Anna Malinowska
- Psychologist
- +359877335807
- Ukrainian, Russian
- pre-booking
Desislava Popova
- Psychologist and psychotherapist
- +359877335807
- Russian, English
- pre-booking
- Telemedicine: Yes
Victoria Ruseva
- Psychologist and psychotherapist
- +359876253356
- Russian, English
- pre-booking
- Telemedicine: Yes
Julia Novkova
- Psychologist
- +359878553436
- Russian, English
- pre-booking
- Telemedicine: Yes
Venice Petrov
- Psychologist and psychotherapist
- +359886975583
- Russian, English
- pre-booking
- Telemedicine: Yes
Irena Strahilova
- Psychologist and psychotherapist
- +359878553436
- Russian, English
- Bulevard “Evlogi i Hristo Georgiev” 40, 1142 g.k. Yavorov, Sofia
- pre-booking
- Telemedicine: No
Emergency Medicine
Desislava Petkova Katelieva
- Emergency Medicine
- Sofia, works in an urgent office, but can work wherever needed
- +359888699200
- 24/7
- Russian, English
Stefan Rahnev
- Emergency Medicine
- ul. “Saedinenie” 127, 1151 Lozen
- +359895236171
- With prior arrangement
- Russian
Vladislava Dakova
- Traumatology, Arm Surgery
- Sofia, “UMBALSM “N. I. Pirogov””
- +359877146708
- Shifts
- Russian, Ukranian
Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
Dr. Aycha Zaralieva
- Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
- Sofia, “Lerin” 3 Str.
- +359894706014
- Work days 15-18
- Russian, English, Ukranian
Desislava Petkova Katelieva
- Physiotherapy
- Sofia, “Military Medical Academy”, Fl. -1
- +359897912637
- 8-14
- Russian, English
Svetlana Jeleva
- Physiotherapy
- Online
- +359885437008
- Pre-booking
- Russian
- Can travel: No
- Telemedicine
Tatyana Morohovets
- Gastroenterology
- ul. “Professor Aleksandar Fol” 2, 1700 Studentski Kompleks, Sofia
- +359889751617
- 02/4456666
- Mon,Wed,Thu,Fri: 14:00PM.-15:00PM. / 18:00PM.-19:00PM. after pre-booking
- Russian
Yordan Naidenov
- Gastroenterology
- Hospital “Saint Anna”
- +359883223456
- 08:00AM. – 16:00PM.
- Russian
Antonia Marinova
- Gastroenterology
- ul. “Nikolay Kopernik” 9, 1000 Geo Milev, Sofia
- +359888350187
- Monday, Wednesday after 16:30 P.M
- Russian, English
- Can travel: no
Dental Medicine
Dr. Gradinarov
- Dental medicine, surgeon
- ul. Han Asparuh 9, room 16
- +359882097176
- at any time by prior arrangement
- Russian
Lyudmila Kostadinova
- Dental medicine
- ul. Han Asparuh 9, room 13
- +359888964182
- at any time by prior arrangement
- Russian, Ukrainian
Elena Mitseva
- Dental medicine
- ul. “Ravnogor” 4
- +359879130791
- only after prior arrangement
- Russian
Petar Handjiev
- Dental medicine
- ul. “Sveti Georgi Sofiyski” 1, 1431 Sofia Center, Sofia
- +359879 450 816
- 8:00-14:00
- Russian, English
Mikhaela Sergeeva
- Neurologist
- ul. “Chumerna” 5, 1000 Sofia Center, Sofia
- +359888798708
- Sunday, 08:30 – 13:30
- Russian, English
- Telemedicine: Yes
- Can travel: No
Dr. B. Furnadzhiev
- ENT – Otoneurologist
- Sofia, “Damyan Gruev” 40 str.
- +359888250046
- Monday-Friday 12:00 – 17:00
- Russian
- Can travel: Yes
- Telemedicine: No
- Burgas

Burgas Hospital
Every Ukrainian who needs hospital treatment will be examined and admitted.
- Montana

„Dr. Stamen Iliev“ Hospital
- 3400, Montana, st. „Sirma voyvoda” № 4
- 096 306880; 096 306881
- Plovdiv

Medicus Alpha Clinic
- st.”Veliko Tarnovo” 21
- +359 32 634463; +359 32 624881
- +359 896661171
Medicus Alpha Clinic in Plovdiv provides free and indefinite medical care for Ukrainian citizens.
Doctors in Plovdiv
Pediatric Care
Gergana Shopova
- Children’s Diseases
- Plovdiv, “Vasil Aprilov” 4 Blvd.
- +359887243748
- Tue & Thu 14-15; Wed 11-12
- Russian, English
Maxillofacial Surgery
Veselka Hristamyan
- Maxillofacial Surgery
- Plovdiv, “Leonardo Da Vinci” 21 Str.
- +359887244550
- Flexible
- Russian
Dental Medicine
Reneta Velikova
- Dental Medicine
- Plovdiv, “Peshtersko Shose” 117 Blvd.
- +359897869628
- 8-20
- Russian, English
Marin Tomovski
- Dental Medicine
- Plovdiv, Zh.K.Trakiya 150, En. A, Fl. 2
- +359889864230
- 10-18, after appointment made by phone (or any time for emergency, after appointment made by phone)
- Russian, English
Eli Batselova
- Dental Medicine
- Plovdiv, “Vasil Aprilov” 31 Blvd.
- +359886846648
- 10-18
- Russian, English
- Ophthalmology
- Plovdiv, “Diagnosis-Consult Centre-2”
- +359886355313
- 8-12
- Russian
General Practitioner (GP)
Zhaneta Demireva
- General Practitioner (GP)
- Plovdiv, ” Plovdiv, “Diagnosis-Consult Centre-Iztok”
- +359899182478
- 8-16
- Russian
Daniela Kazakova
- General Practitioner (GP)
- Plovdiv, “Diagnosis-Consult Centre-2”, Fl. 3, Cab. 94
- +359898778220
- Mon & Wed 13-18; rest of the day 8-13
- Russian, English
Anna Mironova
- General Practitioner (GP)
- Plovdiv, “Ivan Vazov” 59 Str.
- +359889507935
- Mon & Wed 08-13; Tue & Thu 13.30-18; Fri 08-12
- Russian
Alexander Kalaydzhiev
- General Practitioner (GP)
- Plovdiv, “Ponedelnik Pazar” 5 Pl.
- +359888819343
- Schedule
- Russian, English
Emil Mikhailov
- General Practitioner (GP)
- ul. “Mizia” 18, 4003 Plovdiv
- +359889507935
- 08.00-19.00 weekdays
- Russian, English
Samir Naimov
- Psychologist
- Plovdiv, Zh.K.Trakiya 77
- +359878265517
- Pre-booking
- Russian
- Can travel: No
- Telemedicine: No
Gergana Bencheva
- Psychotherapist
- Online
- 59878654188
- Pre-booking
- Russian, English
- Can travel: No
- Telemedicine: Yes
- Varna
Doctors in Varna
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Margarita Monastirska
- OG & Reproductive Medicine
- Varna, “Aleko Konstantinov” 5 Str.
- +35952 600 027
- 8.30-16
- Russian, English
Dental Medicine
Svetlozar Botev
- Dental Medicine
- Varna, “Kyustendzha” 16 Str., ground floor
- +359898628416
- Every day 10-18
- Russian, English
Dr. Zahari Karadzhov
- Dental Medicine
- Varna, 28 Dr. Lyuben Popov str., ground floor
- +359887742593
- 09:00 – 17:00
- Russian, English
- Can travel: No
- Telemedicine: No
Maria Mura
- Cardiology
- Varna, “Diagnosis-Consult Centre-3”
- +359890426011
- Tue from 11; Fri from 9
- Russian, Ukranian
General Practitioner (GP)
Hristina Bozhinova
- General Practitioner (GP)
- Varna, “1st Polyclinic “St. Klementina-Varna””
- +359898207901
- Every work day
- Russian
Toshka Yovcheva
- General Practitioner (GP)
- ul. “Flora” 8, 9009 g.k. Pobeda, Varna
- +359888561354
- Monday, Friday 8:00-13:00; Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 13:00-18:00
- Russian, English
- Telemedicine: Yes
Dr. Anton Nikiforov, Vinnytsia.
Dr. Hristina Dimitrova, DCC 1
Dr Mariela Todorova, DKC 1
Dr. Lavdinova, DKC 1
Dr. Ivanov, DKC 3, Nova clinic
Dr. Boev, DCC 3 and Clinic Nova
Dr. Mironov, MC Helios
Dr Ralitsa Nikolova, Asparuhovo
Dr. Alexovska, Dr. Arnaudov and colleagues – DCC Sveta Marina
Dr. Michaela Petrova – DCC St. Marina
Dr. Minchev, town of Byala
Dr. Bonka Bedjeva, DCC 4
Dr. Veisalov and his colleagues, MK Mladost
Dr. Vladimir Boyadzhiev – DCC Chaika,
Dr. Yanakiev, Dr. Ya. Yanakiev, DCC Chaika
Dr. Kamelia Mihailova – DCC Chaika
Dr. M. Mihailova, Military Hospital
Dr. Orlin Ivanov, DCC Chaika
Dr. Milen Rusev, Clinic Nova
Dr. Dimitar Anastasov, D. Chiflik
Orthopedics and Traumatology
Petko Atev
- Orthopedics and Traumatology
- Varna, “Yan Palah” 12 Str.
- +359885300011
- 9-17 (after appointment made by phone)
- English
- Urology
- Varna, MC “St. Anna” Ltd.
- +359878444177
- 8-13.30
- Ukrainian, Russian, English
- Can travel: Yes
- Telemedicine: Yes
Pediatric care
T. Karadzhov
- Children’s Diseases
- Varna, medical Center “Helios”
- +359877999543
- Pre-booking
- Russian
- Telemedicine: Yes
- Can travel: No
Petar Kostadinov
- Children’s Diseases
- Varna, Medical Center Mladost
- +359889385586
- Pre-booking
- Russian
- Telemedicine: No
- Can travel: No
Daniela Popova
- Psychologist – consultant
- ul. “Tsaribrod” 46, 9000 Varna Center, Varna
- +359878444177
- pre-booking
- Russian
- Ruse

Diagnosis-consulting centre 2
Doctors in Ruse
Kristina Atanasova
- Otolaryngology
- Ruse, “Nezavisimost” 2 Str.
- +359877127714
- Every work day til 13.30
- English
- Telemedicine: No
- Can travel: No
Olesya Sukhoverska
- Dermatology, General Practitioner (GP)
- Ruse, “Chiprovtsi” 28G Str., Fl. 1
- +359877663390
- 8-12
- Ukrainian, Russian
- Telemedicine: Yes
- Can travel: No
General Practitioner (GP)
Olesya Sukhoverska
- Dermatology, General Practitioner (GP)
- Ruse, “Chiprovtsi” 28G Str., Fl. 1
- +359877663390
- 8-12
- Ukrainian, Russian
- Telemedicine: Yes
- Can travel: No
Irina Koycheva Andonova
- General Practitioner (GP)
- Ruse, MC “CITY MED”, Fl. 3
- +359888812392
- Tue, Thu & Fri 8.15-13.15
- Russian, English
- Telemedicine: Yes
- Can travel: No
Georgi Iliev Georgiev
- General Practitioner (GP)
- Ruse, “Nezavisimost” 2 Str.
- +359887727460
- 13-14.30
- Russian
- Telemedicine: Yes
- Can travel: No
Pediatric Care
Emiliya Yankova
- Children’s Diseases
- ul. “Borisova” 36, 7000 Ruse Center, Ruse
- +359886060355
- Monday/ Wednesday/ Friday: 16:00-17:00
- Russian, English
- Can travel: Yes
- Telemedicine: Yes
Maryana Moskova
- Pediatrician and Pediatric endocrinologist
- ul. “Riga” 35
- +359886539250
- by prior arrangement
- Russian, English
Galina Enevska
- Neurologist
- ul. “Riga” 35
- +359899599599
- within the day and by prior arrangement
- Russian, English, German
- Others
Doctors in Other Cities
Doctors in Aksakovo
Yanko Pandeliev
- General Practitioner (GP), Internal Diseases
- ul. “Kapitan Petko Voivoda” 7
- +359898661593
- Mon,Wed: 08:30AM.-12:30PM.
- Tue, Thu: 14:00PM.-18:00PM.
- Russian, English
Doctors in Belashtitsa, Plovdiv region
Kostadin Sotirov Sotirov
- General Practitioner (GP)
- Belashtitsa, “P.K.Iavorov” 20 Str.
- +359884383142
- Mon, Wed & Fri 8.30-12; Tue & Thu 13.30-17
- Russian
- Telemedicine: Yes
- Can travel: No
Doctors in Blagoevgrad
Miglena Yokova
- General Practitioner (GP), Internal Diseases
- Blagoevgrad, “Slavyanska” 60 Str., Cab. 329
- +359887430193
- 8.30-17
- Russian
- Telemedicine: Yes
- Can travel: No
Krasimir Spasov
- Оrthopedics
- Blagoevgrad, “Slavyanska” 60 Str.
- +359888834445
- 9-16
- Russian
- Telemedicine: Yes
- Can travel: No
Doctors in Botevgrad
Maria Peeva
- Psychologist and psychotherapist
- ул. „Александър Стамболийски“ 11, 2140 Tsentar, Botevgrad
- +359885052995
- Pre-booking
- Russian
- Telemedicine: No
- Can travel: No
Doctors in Burgas
Nikolina Gicheva
- General Practitioner (GP)
- Burgas, “Radi Nikolov” 30 Str.
- +359888409011
- 8-15; Tue & Thu 12-16
- Russian
- Telemedicine: Yes
- Can travel: No
Doctors in Ruen, Burgas region
Zlatina Nikolaeva Georgieva
- Internal Diseases
- Ruen, “Izgrev” 18 Str.
- +359888212792
- 9-13.30
- Russian
- Telemedicine: Yes
- Can travel: No
Doctors in Dimitrovgrad
Zdravko Krusharski
- General Practitioner (GP), Children’s Diseases
- Dimitrovgrad, “3ti Mart” 4-A-5 Blvd.
- +359882420272
- Mon & Wed 8.30-13 & 16-18, after appointment made by phone
- Russian
- Telemedicine: No
- Can travel: No
Doctors in Dobrich
Steliyan Kirilov Shterev
- General Practitioner (GP), internal diseases
- bul. “25-ti septemvri” 68, 9301 Sever 1, Dobrich
- +359890512548
- Mon, Thu, Fri: 08:00AM.-12:30PM.
- Tue, Wed, Fri: 13:00PM.-17:30PM.
- Russian, English
Kaloian Todorov Kurtev
- Orthopedics and Traumatology
- Dobrich, MC “Viva Feniks”, “Nezavisimost” 2 Str., Fl. 4
- +359890512548
- Mon 9-13; Thu 14-18
- Russian, English
- Telemedicine: No
- Can travel: No
Doctors in Dupnitsa
Silvia Stefanova
- General Practitioner (GP)
- Dupnitsa, “Svoboda” 1 Sq., Cab. 114
- +359888573635
- Mon-Fri 8-13
- Russian
- Telemedicine: Yes
- Can travel: No
Doctors in Karlovo
Anzhela Parvanova
- Dental Medicine
- Karlovo, “Vasil Karaivanov” 4 Str.
- +359886106690
- By appointment
- Ukranian, Russian
- Telemedicine: Yes
- Can travel: No
Doctors in Kavarna
Evgeni Tsonkov Chobanov
- General Practitioner (GP)
- Kavarna, “Vasil Levski” 36 Str., Cab. 18
- +359888536244
- 8-14
- Russian, English
- Telemedicine: No
- Can travel: No
Rositsa Stoianova
- General Practitioner (GP), Children’s Diseases
- Kavarna, “Vasil Levski” 36 Str.
- +359887698666
- 8-14
- Russian, English
- Telemedicine: Yes
- Can travel: Yes
Doctors in Kazanlak
Nina Petrova Bineva
- General Practitioner (GP), Children’s Diseases
- Kazanlak, “Stara Planina” 12 Str., Fl. 1, Cab. 15
- +359899148285
- Odd dates 9-12; even dates 14-17.30, only after appointment made by phone
- Russian
- Telemedicine: No
- Can travel: No
Doctors in Kostenets
Vasil Belyakov
- General Practitioner (GP), Internal Diseases
- bul. Tsarigradsko Shose 56
- +359898447752
- Mon-Fri: 08:00AM.-14:00PM.
- Russian, English
Doctors in Kozloduy
Dr. Veselka Tsvetkova
- General Practitioner (GP)
- ul. St.St. Kiril and Metodiy 1
- +359887622577
- 08:00AM.-14:00PM.
- Russian
Doctors in Kyustendil
Edelina Zdravkova Petrova
- General Practitioner (GP), Children Diseases
- ul. “Peyo K. Yavorov” 6, room 6, parter level
- +359887616947
- Even dates: 08:30AM.-13:30PM.
- Odd dates: 13:00PM.-18:00PM.
- Russian
Doctors in Lesindren
Stefan Stefanov
- General Practitioner (GP)
- Lesindren, “Aleksandar Stamboliyski” 19 Str.
- +359887991975
- 8-12
- Ukrainian, Russian
- Telemedicine: Yes
- Can travel: No
Doctors in Momchilgrad
Nevin Sadakova
- General Practitioner (GP)
- Momchilgrad, “Stefan Karadzha” 1 Str.
- +359887314090
- 8-14
- Russian
- Telemedicine: Yes
- Can travel: No
Doctors in Montana
Victoria Petrova Todorova
- Children’s Diseases
- Montana, “Tzar Boris III” 11 Str.
- +359889622815
- 8.30-18
- Ukranian, Russian, English, German
- Telemedicine: Yes
- Can travel: Yes
Doctors in Pavel Bania, Stara Zagora region
Todorka Ivanova
- Physical Medicine (spine specialist)
- Pavel Bania, “Akacia” 6 Str.
- +359888733849
- 12-14
- Russian, English
- Telemedicine: Yes
- Can travel: Yes
Dr. Dimitar Senkov
- Neurologist
- bul “Ruski” 56 ET 2 office 1
- +359898864592
- Tuesday and Thursday 09.00-12.00
- Russian, English
- Telemedicine: No
- Can travel: No
Dr. Maria Dragoeva
- Ophthalmology
- bul “Ruski” 56 ET 2 office 3
- +359898864903
- Monday and Wednesday 09:00 – 13:00 and 14:00 – 19:00
- Russian, English
- Telemedicine: Yes
- Can travel: No
Doctors in Pavlikeni
Plamen Latev
- General Practitioner (GP)
- Pavlikeni, “Tsar Ivan Asen II” 15 Str.
- +359888305778
- 8-18.30
- Russian, English
- Telemedicine: No
- Can travel: No
Doctors in Pazardzhik
Stoian Stoianov
- General Practitioner (GP), Children’s Diseases
- Pazardzhik, “Konstantin Velichkov” 50 Sq.
- +359888613774
- 8-12 & 16-18
- Russian
- Telemedicine: Yes
- Can travel: No
Doctors in Pernik
Lyudmila Grigorik
- General Practitioner (GP), Internal Diseases
- Pernik, “Breznik” 2 Str., Cab. 3
- +359888363804
- Mon, Wed & Fri 9-14; Tue & Thu 13-18
- Ukrainian, Russian, English
- Telemedicine: Yes
- Can travel: No
Doctors in Pirdop
Desislava Tolinova
- General Practitioner (GP)
- ul. “Тsar Osvoboditel” 97
- +359887762681
- 08:00AM.-14:00PM.
- Russian
Doctors in Pleven
Mariyka Gareva
- General Practitioner (GP), Internal Diseases
- Pleven, “Hristo Yasenov” 13 Str.
- +359899955656
- 15.30-18; in the cabinet examinations Mon, Wed & Thu 16-18
- Russian, English
- Telemedicine: Yes
- Can travel: No
Tsvetomir Ivanov
- Surgery
- Pleven, MBAL “Heart and Brain”
- +359883569070
- Wed 9-15; the other days available after appointment made by phone
- English
- Telemedicine: Yes
- Can travel: No
Olympiada Alexandrovna Atmazhova
- Toxicology
- Pleven, “Georgi Kochev” 8A Str.
- +359882513568
- 8-24
- Ukrainian, Russian, English
- Telemedicine: Yes
- Can travel: No
Ivan Nikolaevich Atmazhov
- Surgery
- Pleven, “Georgi Kochev” 8A Str.
- +359878227637
- 8-24
- Ukrainian, Russian, English
- Telemedicine: Yes
- Can travel: Yes
Terrence Pinto
- General Practitioner (GP)
- ul. “Neofit Rilski” 5
- +359876310097
- Flexible
- English
Doctors in Veliko Tarnovo
Hristo Spirov Megerov
- Ophthalmology
- Sandanski, “Boris Sarafov” 1 Str.
- +359887301000
- 14-18
- Russian, English
- Telemedicine: Yes
- Can travel: Yes
Doctors in Slavianovo
Mariyka Gareva
- General Practitioner (GP), Internal Diseases
- +359899955656
- 15.30-18
- Russian, English
- Telemedicine: Yes
- Can travel: No
Doctors in Sliven
Detelina Vasileva Misheva
- General Practitioner (GP), Emergency Medicine
- Sliven, “Military Hospital”, Cab. 105
- +359887563531
- Every day 8-16; Fri 8-13
- Russian, English
- Telemedicine: Yes
- Can travel: No
Nedko Ivanov Nedev
- Dental Medicine
- ul. “General Kiril Botev” 11, 8804 Novo selo, Sliven
- +359879622626
- 24/7
- Russian, Ukrainian
Doctors in Sopot
Oleg Afanasievich Oltyan
- Dental Medicine
- Sopot, “Gancho Popnikolov” 34 Str.
- +359894647438
- By appointment
- Ukrainian, Russian
- Telemedicine: Yes
- Can travel: Yes
Doctors in Strazhitsa, Veliko Tarnovo region
Emilia Georgieva
- General Practitioner (GP), Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Strazhitsa, “Hadzhi Dimitar” 4 Str.
- +359887637238
- 8 – until there are no patients
- Russian, German
- Telemedicine: Yes
- Can travel: No
Doctors in Veliko Tarnovo
Lyubka Lyubenova
- General Practitioner (GP)
- Veliko Tarnovo, “Marno Pole” 21 Str.
- +359887709129
- Mon, Wed & Fri 8-13; Tue & Thu 12-15
- Russian
- Telemedicine: Yes
- Can travel: No
Doctors in Vratsa
Petia Yordanova
- Cardiology
- Vratsa, “Vezhen” 2A Str., MBAL “Vratsa” KO
- +359887208447
- Every week day 8-14
- Russian, English
- Telemedicine: Yes
- Can travel: No
Tsvetomir Ivanov
- Surgery
- Vratsa, Med. Center “Faktor 2000”
- +359883569070
- Thu 14.30-16.30
- English
- Telemedicine: Yes
- Can travel: No
Doctors in Zavet
Lyubka Lyubenova
- General Practitioner (GP)
- Zavet, “Osvobozhdenie” 48 Str., En. B, FL. 1, AP. 3
- +359888954287
- 8-16
- Russian
- Telemedicine: Yes
- Can travel: No
Doctors in Zlatograd
Savera Emilova Shtukina
- General Practitioner (GP), Internal Diseases
- Zlatograd, “Han Asparuh” 21 Str.
- +359888782794
- 8.30-12.30 & 16-17.30
- Russian
- Telemedicine: Yes
- Can travel: No
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