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    How Ukrainian citizens who have acquired the professional qualification of “doctor” or “nurse” in Ukraine can acquire the right to practice their profession in Bulgaria

    Posted by Bulgaria for Ukraine on June 10, 2022

    In order to acquire the right to practice your profession of “doctor” or “nurse” acquired in Ukraine in Bulgaria, you must go through the following two steps:

    1. to take an exam in Bulgarian language and professional terminology in Bulgarian language and
    2. to pass an examination, including the state examinations, determined in the uniform state requirements for acquiring the respective medical profession in Bulgaria (examination under art. 186, para 3, item 3 of the Health Act).

    The exam in Bulgarian language and professional terminology in Bulgarian language is organized and conducted by the Center for Assessment in Preschool and School Education (COPUO) at the Ministry of Education and Science. More information can be found at the following link: http://copuo.bg/page.php?c=24&d=82. For additional information about this exam you can contact tel. 02/970 56 11, 02/970 56 25, or e-mail: ckoko@mon.bg.

    There are no legal requirements regarding where and how to conduct your training in Bulgarian. You only need to finally pass the exam in Bulgarian language and professional terminology in Bulgarian language in COPUO.

    To take the exam, which includes the state exams defined in the uniform state requirements, it is necessary to pass a procedure for admission to this exam. The procedure is organized and conducted by the Ministry of Health, it is free of charge and generally includes the submission of an application accompanied by certain documents (specified in the application). Detailed information can be found at the following link: https://www.mh.government.bg/bg/administrativni-uslugi/meditsinski-kvalifikatsii/dopuskane-do-izpit-priznavane-na-profesionalna-kvalifikatsiya/.

    As a result of the procedure, the Minister of Health issues an order for admission to an exam. After receiving such an order, you should take the exam at a higher school of your choice, which provides training in the profession. The higher school has the right to charge a fee for taking this exam. It issues a certificate of successful completion of the exam, which will entitle you to practice the relevant medical profession in Bulgaria.

    It is important to point out that while you are in the process of obtaining the right to practice your profession in Bulgaria, you can be employed as a health assistant (or other similar position) in any medical institution that wishes to appoint.

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