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    Free medical help

    Posted by Bulgaria for Ukraine on March 3, 2022


    – Since the beginning of the week, the Lozenets University General Hospital in Sofia has been providing completely free examinations to Ukrainian citizens arriving in Bulgaria. They can seek help in all existing offices of the hospital. The only condition for Ukrainians in need of medical care is to provide an identity document.

    Address: ul. “Kozyak” 1, 1407 Yuzhen, Sofia
    Telephone: 02/96 07 681/682

    The medics in the University Hospital “St. Anna ”will also be viewed for free. They are ready to provide the necessary medical care for all victims of the war in Ukraine, as well as for people forced by military action to leave their native places. From there they inform that the examinations will be carried out in all available offices, by highly qualified doctors with all specialties available in the hospital.

    Address: ul. “Dimitar Mollov” 1, 1750 Mladost 1, Sofia
    Telephone: 02 / 9759329

    The team of Sheynovo Hospital is available to all women refugees from the war who are pregnant or in need of medical care and consultation in the field of obstetrics and gynecology.

    Address: ul. “Sheynovo” 19, 1504 Sofia Center, Sofia  
    Telephone: 02/ 965 94 81 ; 02/ 965 94 82 
    E-mail: hospital@sheynovo-ag.eu

    -“St. Sofia hospital is ready to offer free examinations and consultations for pregnant women and conditions for the birth of babies to all women citizens of Ukraine.

    Address: ul. “Mihalaki Tashev” 2, к, 1330, 1330 g.k. Razsadnika – Konyovitsa, Sofia
    Телефон: 02/4470 211
    E-mail: info@1agb.com

     – The team of “Dr. Shterev” hospital united around the cause to help as much as possible the refugees from Ukraine, who are already thousands on the territory of Bulgaria.

    Pregnant refugees from Ukraine can go to the hospital for a free ultrasound examination, examination by a fetal medicine specialist or recording of children’s heart tones. The necessary organization has been created in the clinic so that women can be examined in a timely manner without a language barrier.

    “Dr. Shterev” Hospital will provide free of charge to refugees in need a package for neonatological follow-up.

    Address: ul. “Hristo Blagoev” 25, 1330 g.k. Razsadnika – Konyovitsa, Sofia
    Telephone: 02 920 0901


    – UMBAL Burgas also announced its readiness to accept Ukrainian refugees in need of medical assistance. The Emergency Department has set up the necessary organization for the reception and treatment of refugees, which has been operating for years, the hospital said. Every Ukrainian who needs hospital treatment will be examined and admitted.

    Address: bul. “Stefan Stambolov” №73, Burgas 8000
    Telephone: *7070


    – Dr. Stamen Iliev Hospital joins the wave of sympathy for the victims of the war in Ukraine and is also ready to receive and treat Ukrainian refugees free of charge.

    Address: 3400, Montana, ul. „Sirma voyvoda” № 4
    Telephone: 096 306880 ; 096 306881;


    – Medicus Alpha Clinic in Plovdiv provides free and indefinite medical care for Ukrainian citizens.

    Address: ul..”Veliko Tarnovo” 21
    Telephone:  +359 32 634463;+359 32 624881
    Mobile number: +359 896661171

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