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    The first registrations for temporary protection are already a fact

    Posted by Bulgaria for Ukraine on March 15, 2022

    Bulgaria is one of the first countries in the European Union to provide temporary protection to those fleeing the war in Ukraine. The system is already working, the documents are issued to citizens entering the territory of Bulgaria.

    At the border, everyone fleeing the war in Ukraine will receive the necessary information to stay in Bulgaria. The pre-admission points will be open 24 hours a day while the temporary protection regime is in force.

    All institutions act in coordination and we have full control over the process from the entry of refugees to their accommodation in our country,” said Prime Minister Kiril Petkov, who visited the preliminary reception center for refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine at the Danube Bridge border checkpoint in Durankulak.

    “Bulgaria already stands as a European border, ready to take on a large number of people coming from Ukraine, and this has been done in a systematic way,” he said, adding that the system will be open 24 hours a day.

    “This is a completely new process, a completely new way of organizing, the Temporary Protection Directive is being activated for the first time in the history of the European Union. We are one of the first countries in the EU that manages and manages to grant temporary protection status “, commented the Deputy Prime Minister for Effective Governance Kalina Konstantinova.

    According to her, the trainings of the employees at the border checkpoints and in the police stations continue. “If so far there have been 3-4 points of the State Agency for Refugees, where the status of international protection can be declared, now the idea is to train all police officers so that all Ukrainian citizens who are already on the territory of the state, to declare the status of temporary protection “, she added.

    Prime Minister Petkov thanked for the team work of all institutions at local and central level.

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