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    Important information for Bulgarian citizens in Ukraine

    Posted by Bulgaria for Ukraine on February 28, 2022

    Bulgarian citizens who are on the territory of Ukraine and want to be evacuated, can also contact the Directorate “Situation Center” of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria via email: crisis@mfa.bg. Bulgarian citizents must provide the following information:

    – Three names;

    – Contact number;

    – Location and adress;

    – Type of Bulgarian identity document they have.

    If they need assistance, Bulgarian citizens in Ukraine can turn to:
    1. The Bulgarian Embassy in Kyiv on the following telephone numbers: +380 44 235 4389; +380 44 235 2202, as well as on-call telephone numbers during non-working hours: +380 44 246 7237, +380 44 246 7672,
    2. Consulate General in Odessa on the following telephone numbers: +380 48 7466 554; +380 48 746 65 58 ; +380 48 746 63 75, as well as on the emergency telephone number during non-working hours: +380 68 293 0048.
    3. Alerts can also be sent to the email addresses of our missions in Ukraine: Embassy.Kiev@mfa.bgConsulate.Odessa@mfa.bg

    Upon entering Bulgaria, Bulgarian citizens must present a Bulgarian identity document – identity card or passport. Bulgarian citizens, even with expired personal documents, will be allowed to pass freely through the checkpoints of our country.

    Ukrainian citizens holding biometric passports enter and reside in the EU / ie. and in Bulgaria / without a visa for up to 90 days every 6 months. If you do not have a biometric passport, then a visa is required.

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