Varna Region
Varna is the largest Bulgarian Black Sea city, called the “sea capital” of Bulgaria. The oldest golden treasure of human civilization was discovered in Varna in 1972. It was made around 4000 BC.
Twinned with the city of Kharkiv, Ukraine.
Varna district is the third most populous in Bulgaria, located in the northeastern part of the country, at the eastern end of the Danube plain. It includes parts of South Dobrudja and the easternmost parts of Stara Planina. The administrative center is the city of Varna, the district has 159 settlements, the largest of which are Avren, Byala, Provadia, Devnya.
The climate is temperate continental, strongly influenced by the impact of the Black Sea. The Black Sea coast to the north begins with the beaches of the resorts “Golden Sands” and “St. Constantine and Helena”, where the coast has receded further into the land and so between Cape St. Georgi and Cape Galata, the great Varna Bay is formed. The sandy beaches follow the coast and reach the estuary of the Kamchia River.
Education & Child Care
There are 235 educational institutions in the district of Varna, of which 99 are kindergartens, 125 schools, 5 centers for support of personal development, Center for Career Guidance – Varna, 2 centers for social educational support; Regional Center for Support of the Inclusive Education Process; Speech Therapy Center – Varna; citywide student dormitory; 2 specialized dormitories (NSI “Dobri Hristov” at the Ministry of Culture and Sports School “Georgi Benkovski” Varna, at the Ministry of Youth and Sports) and 1 special (SUUNZ “Prof. Dr. Ivan Shishman”), and 122 non-specialized schools. 27 of the district schools have been identified as innovative for the 2021/22 school year. There are 2 protected schools located on the territory of Dolni Chiflik municipality and Byala municipality.
There are 5 higher education institutions in Varna, of which 1 is private. These are the Higher Naval School “Nikola Y. Vaptsarov”, the University of Economics, the Technical University, the Medical University and the Varna Free University “Chernorizets Hrabar”.
21 large medical establishments on the territory of the district are in the register of the Ministry of Health, they provide all types of general and specialized medical and outpatient health care, including emergency medical care.
Ports, airports, railways
Varna operates 5 ports and a ferry, an international airport, a railway junction and is the intersection of several European transport corridors. The city’s crossroads on the west coast of the Black Sea and excellent transport links make it a convenient logistics bridge between Europe, Russia, Ukraine, the countries of the Caucasus, the Middle East and the Far East. The only railway in the Black Sea region. ferry terminal with the possibility of changing the railway. the bogies from European to Russian standards are also in Varna.
Varna International Airport serves over one million passengers a year. It connects with about 100 destinations in over 30 countries in Europe and Asia.
Industry & Jobs
Among the largest enterprises in the district are:
- Varna Shipyard AD – production of vessels
- Druzhba-stil AD, Varna – production of clothes
- Eldom Invest, Varna – production of household appliances
- Shipbuilding and Shiprepair Plant AD, Varna – repair and production of vessels
- Agropolychim AD, Devnya – production of nitric acid, ammonia, mono- and dicalcium phosphate, sodium tripolyphosphate, stabilized ammonium nitrate, triple superphosphate
- Sugar factory, Devnya – production of refined sugar
- Polymers AD, Devnya – production of dichloroethane, sodium hydroxide
- Solvay-Sodi AD, Devnya – production of light, heavy soda and baking soda
- TPP – Varna, – electricity production
- Devnya-Cement AD.
The most sought after in the labor market in the area are drivers, hotel staff, kitchen workers, construction and sales workers.
Cultural & Historical Heritage
The first traces of civilization in Varna and the region date back to the third millennium BC. Herodotus writes that the Greek settlers were attracted by the calm waters of the bay and settled in these lands about 2600 years ago. They found a Thracian settlement named Odessos, which the Slavs called Varna in the 7th century AD. During Roman times, the city retained its economic and cultural significance. The Baths, the largest public architectural complex from antiquity discovered in Bulgaria, is also among the largest in Europe from this period. The Proto-Bulgarians, who came from the north in the spring of 681 AD, defeated the army of the Byzantine Emperor Constantine IV Pogonat at the mouth of the Danube. The then peace treaty in Varna officially recognized the existence of the Bulgarian state.
Varna is one of the most important cultural centers in the country with its theaters, museums, festival and congress center, art galleries, libraries and active community center network, a number of international cultural events. Among the unique sites in the region are Aladzha Monastery, the sea aquarium, the cathedral “St. Assumption of the Mother of God ”, the Euxinograd Palace, the Roman Baths, the Pobitite Kamani area near the village of Slanchevo.
The current prices for renting a home are relatively high – over BGN 500 per month in Varna and the surrounding settlements.
Important Contacts
Employment Agency, Varna:
Regional ads – DRSZ Varna | Employment Agency (
Regional education management: RUO-Varna (
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