Targovishte Region
Ivan Marinov, one of the most famous Bulgarian artists, a student of the school of painting in Turin, was born in Targovishte. They call Targovishte and the city of fairs – this year was the 243rd edition of the Spring Fair.
Targovishte is twinned with Bolgrad, Ukraine.
Targovishte District is located in northeastern Bulgaria and includes 5 municipalities – Targovishte, Popovo, Omurtag, Antonovo and Opaka, and 196 settlements. The population is just over 110 thousand people.
The administrative center of the district is the town of Targovishte – one of the smallest cities in Bulgaria in terms of area and population, but its geographical location makes it an open door between the sea and the mountains, and the nature here is beautiful and accessible during the four seasons.
Education & Child Care
There are 34 kindergartens, 8 independent nurseries and nursery groups in the kindergartens in Targovishte and the surrounding settlements.
52 are primary and secondary schools and centers for support of personal development. Among the vocational high schools in the region are agriculture, agriculture, transport and light industry.
In the register of medical institutions Targovishte region is represented by 3 multidisciplinary hospitals and 2 specialized medical institutions.
Industry & Jobs
The high concentration of foreign investment in the field and the availability of skilled labor favor the economic outlook of the region. There are good conditions for the development of agriculture, conditions for intensive and environmentally friendly agriculture, potential for wider use of RES.
Agriculture is an important part of the economy of Targovishte district. There are excellent conditions for growing cereals, technical and fodder crops. The main crop is wheat. In the industrial production of Targovishte leading industries are: production of food products, beverages and tobacco products, trade and repair of automobiles and household appliances, production of electrical machinery and equipment, clothing industry, timber and wood industry.
The territory of the district is one of the most promising and rich areas for extraction of high quality quarry and crushed stone, suitable for all construction needs. In Targovishte is the mineral spring “Boaza”. The water from it is alkaline, lukewarm, odorless, with a pleasant taste and great healing properties. Also of interest is the mineral water near the village of Voditsa, Popovo municipality, suitable for the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal and liver-bile diseases.
The proximity of the city to the border checkpoints of Varna (110 km) and Ruse (100 km) makes it a natural strategic crossroads. The first-class road Sofia – Varna passes through the city (I-4 E-772). The city has well-developed bus and railway lines that connect it with the rest of the country.
The largest share of vacancies in the real economy are declared in manufacturing, administrative and ancillary activities, agriculture, government and trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles. The most sought-after occupations are workers in the mining and processing industry, construction and transport, staff caring for people, workers in agriculture, forestry and fisheries, drivers of motor vehicles and mobile equipment, operators of stationary machinery and equipment, metallurgists, machine builders and related to them, craftsmen. 12 employers from Targovishte district / restaurant, trade, industry / have a positive attitude to hiring Ukrainian citizens who have received temporary protection.
Cultural & Historical Heritage
The lands around Targovishte are an integral part of the ancient culture of Bulgaria. Here, for eight millennia, the trade routes of human civilization have crossed, they were built by Thracians, Romans, Byzantines, later Bulgarians and Turks. Seven millennia before Christ, the people of our lands gave birth to three Neolithic cultures. “Polyanitsa” impresses the scientific world with an urban concept from the end of the early Neolithic. The Ovcharovo culture proves that the ancient people mastered the art of sculpting clay to perfection. A unique for Europe silver medical surgical instrument was also found here. The lands of the region were within the borders of “Asparuhova Bulgaria” when the Bulgarian state was established. It is believed that in the area of the fortress Krumovo Kale was the ancient city of Misionis. The fair and craft glory of Targovishte is preserved in the Renaissance. Many crafts are developed – abadjiystvo, mutafchiystvo, gaitandzhiystvo, shoemaking. The fair is still held today.
The surroundings of Targovishte reveal the wine traditions of the region. Of interest are the vineyards of the Chardonnay and Muscat wine varieties near the village of Kralevo and the winery in the village of Nadarevo, where selected Targovishte wines can be tasted. Cave tourism and the pleasure of rock climbing are also on the list of seekers of entertainment – an extreme trail that will take you to “Marina Dupka”, “Svetla Dupka” and “Derventska Cave” with one of the largest populations of bats in Bulgaria. A unique place is the rock monastery near the village of Krepcha, where is the earliest preserved inscription in Cyrillic in the world, according to archaeologists, made by monk Anthony in 921.
Exceptional sports achievements at international and national competitions bring athletes from clubs in sport shooting, rhythmic and gymnastics, weightlifting, wrestling, boxing, chess.
The average price of rents for housing is BGN 300 per month.
Important Contacts
Labor Office Targovishte – 060 162 251
Regional education management: Regional Department of Education – Targovishte Regional Department of Education Targovishte (ruotargovishte.bg)
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