Shumen Region
Shumen was founded 3200 years ago, developing as a center of spiritual and material culture – Thracian, Roman, Byzantine. Nearby are the first two capitals of the Bulgarian state – Pliska and Veliki Preslav.
Shumen is twinned with Kherson, Ukraine.
Shoumen District is located in the central part of Northeastern Bulgaria and occupies 3.05% of the country’s territory. It consists of 10 municipalities (Veliki Preslav, Venets, Varbitsa, Kaolinovo, Kaspichan, Nikola Kozlevo, Novi Pazar, Smyadovo, Hitrino, Shumen) and 151 settlements, of which 8 cities and 143 villages. The population is over 180 thousand people.
The prominent Ruse-Varna transport axis passes through its territory, which is considered as an alternative sector of the Pan-European Transport Corridor №7. The land section between the Danube and the Black Sea provides a fast connection between the Rhine-Main-Danube transport highway (Port of Ruse), the Pan-European Transport Corridor / OETK / №8 (Port of Varna), the Caucasus countries – Central Asia, Iran and The Middle East.
Education & Child Care
15 independent nurseries and 102 kindergartens operate in the district.
75 are the primary and secondary schools for general education or specialized training in the secondary course. Among the covered specialties are chemical technologies and design, technical high school and high school of agriculture, technical school of electronics, communication and transport.
The University of Shumen “Bishop Konstantin Preslavski” has in its history centuries-old cultural and educational traditions. He is the heir of the Preslav Literary School and is named after Bishop Konstantin Preslavski – one of the most educated and talented direct students of Cyril and Methodius. In 1879 the first pedagogical course was opened, which in 1919 was transformed into the Pedagogical Institute for Junior High School Teachers. In 1964 it became a Faculty – a branch of Sofia University, on the basis of which in 1971 the Higher Pedagogical Institute was opened, which in 1995 grew into Shumen University. Today his specialties cover the universe of higher education, consisting of humanities, natural sciences, mathematics, pedagogy and technology.
The structure of the university includes five faculties in the city of Shumen, one College in the city of Dobrich and one Department in the city of Varna. At the University of Shumen, more than 7,000 students study full-time, part-time and part-time at the Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, the Faculty of Natural Sciences, the Faculty of Education, the Faculty of Technical Sciences and the College. In accordance with the state normative documents, the training is carried out according to curricula and programs for the educational-qualification degrees professional bachelor, bachelor and master, as well as for the educational-scientific degree doctor. Through the Department for Information and Teacher Training and through the Center for Postgraduate Training and Qualification, the necessary conditions for retraining and advanced training of specialists, college graduates, persons with higher and higher education have been created.
14 are the multidisciplinary or specialized hospitals, clinics and medical centers on the territory of the district, plus the Center for emergency medical care.
Industry & Jobs
The economic structure includes trade and repair of motor vehicles and household appliances, manufacturing, agriculture and forestry, construction, transport and communications.
The natural resources for the development of agriculture are good – the presence of fertile agricultural land (77.7% usability of arable agricultural land), which creates opportunities for the use of products produced in the municipality as raw material for the food industry. Natural resources are a prerequisite for the development of grain production, viticulture, sugar beet, animal husbandry (pig and poultry).
On the territory of the municipality of Shoumen are the only in Bulgaria scientific institutes working on the problems of pig breeding, horse breeding, buffalo breeding and sugar beet. Kabiyuk EAD is one of the largest companies in the agricultural sector in the municipality. Good results have been achieved in grain production and animal husbandry. In its strategy the company relies on innovations – introduction of new products / new crops / – biohumus and lavender seedlings. The main goal in animal husbandry is to maintain the gene pool of horses, pigs and sheep. Shumen Forest is another large company in the industry, which deals with logging, afforestation, growing young plants, production of afforestation material, international hunting tourism and hospitality.
The average salary in the district is BGN 1,500, the labor exchange offers jobs in industry, trade and services.
Cultural & Historical Heritage
In the rich cultural heritage area of Shumen it will be interesting to visit one of the sights:
- The monumental complex “Creators of the Bulgarian state”, also known as “1300 years of Bulgaria”, is an architectural complex dedicated to the 1300th anniversary of the Bulgarian state, recreating the history of the First Bulgarian Kingdom from Asparuh to Simeon;
- Shumen Plateau Nature Park – the natural resources of the park and its proximity to the city make it a preferred place for recreation, sports and tourism;
- The Madara Horseman cultural and historical monument in the village of Madara, Shoumen municipality is the only monumental stone relief in Europe from the VIII century, which is of world importance and is included in the List of World Cultural Heritage, which is under the auspices of UNESCO;
- The Shumen Fortress Historical and Archaeological Reserve is located in the Shumen Plateau. There is also a museum attached to it. The fortress is among the best studied archeological monuments in Bulgaria;
- The Pliska National Historical and Archaeological Reserve has remarkable architecture, which is a combination of Thracian, Slavic and Proto-Bulgarian motifs. The well-preserved ruins testify to the former glory and greatness of the ancient Bulgarian capital Pliska;
- Tombul Mosque is the largest mosque in Bulgaria and the second largest in the Balkans.
The rich cultural, historical and natural heritage in the area is a serious prerequisite for the development of alternative forms of tourism. There are 20 historical monuments of “national importance” category, but the Madara National Archaeological Reserve has 22 separate sites; The National Archaeological Reserve “Pliska” / Aboba / has 53 sub-sites; All excavated and unexcavated churches in and around Preslav The palace of Tsar Simeon and his fortresses; The Church of Simeon at the mouth of the river Ticha and all excavated and unexcavated churches in the “Inner and Outer City” – 38 subprojects; the village of Tsar Krum – Omurtag Bridge old and new. Omurtag Bridge – 8. All these monuments are part of the route ” Old capitals.
An interesting and with great potential landmark is the horse base “Kabiyuk” – the real city of horses with the only horse museum in the Balkans.
Ecological tourism is associated with opportunities to visit interesting protected areas and observe rare flora and fauna – natural areas – Nature Park “Shumen Plateau”, reserves – “Bukata”, “Patleyna”, “Patleina”, “Dervisha”, “Momingrad”, “Mogilata”. ”,“ Mareshka Mogila ”,“ Madara Rock Wreath ”.
The average price for renting a house per month is 350 leva.
Important Contacts
Shumen Labor Office – Official site Employment Agency (
Regional education management: РУО – city Shumen (
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