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    Important information

    Posted by Web Administrator on June 19, 2024

    Continuing our joint efforts to protect the interests of Ukrainian citizens and ensure sustainable support within the legal framework, we are sharing a reminder regarding the conditions and procedures for accommodation under the Humanitarian Assistance Program for Displaced Persons from Ukraine with Temporary Protection in the Republic of Bulgaria (the Program), adopted by Decision No. 317 of the Council of Ministers in 2022.

    Assistance under the Program is provided to individuals holding a valid registration card for foreigners with temporary protection in the Republic of Bulgaria, issued by the State Agency for Refugees.

    • Individuals are accommodated at the Transit Reception Center in the town of Elhovo, where they submit an application to the Vulnerability Assessment and Accommodation Needs Determination Working Group for Ukrainian citizens with temporary protection, attached to the National Operational Headquarters at the Council of Ministers.
    • The Working Group makes a decision within 7 working days based on gathered information on the application.
    • The decision of the Working Group regarding the accommodation of the individual with temporary protection is provided to the concerned parties within a 3-day period.

    It is important to note that the decision specifies the location where individuals are allocated and will be accommodated under the Program. These locations may include state facilities, hotels, or other accommodation venues within the country.

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