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    Only Ukrainians with biometric passports can travel around the EU

    Posted by Bulgaria for Ukraine on April 15, 2022

    All Ukrainian citizens who have a biometric passport can travel freely in the EU, even after receiving temporary protection status.

    In the meantime, the expired biometric passports of the Ukrainian embassy in Bulgaria can be extended.

    For those who arrive in Bulgaria without a biometric passport, it is important to know that they can leave our territory only if they pass through it in transit.

    For Ukrainian citizens who have spent several days on the territory of our country, as well as those who already have the status of temporary protection and do not have a biometric passport, various options for permitting movement within the EU are being discussed.

    For them, the rule is that in order to return home, they must have passes, which are issued by the Ukrainian embassy.

    This means that at the moment they cannot leave Bulgaria, but the authorities assure that the case for the persons without biometric passports will be successfully resolved as soon as possible. Until then, it was recommended that these Ukrainian citizens wait until the EU and the government decide under what conditions to allow them to travel around the EU.

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