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    The Council of Ministers supplemented the Program for the Use of Humanitarian Aid for Displaced Persons from Ukraine

    Posted by Bulgaria for Ukraine on March 30, 2022

    The Council of Ministers adopted a Decision amending the Program for the Use of Humanitarian Aid to Persons Seeking Temporary Protection in the Republic of Bulgaria as a Result of the Military Actions in the Republic of Ukraine.

    The aid is intended to be used not only in categorized or registered accommodation places, entered in the National Tourist Register, but also in sites, entered in the Register of places of accommodation created for the purposes of the program implementation.

    The term in which humanitarian aid will be provided to these persons without explicit registration for temporary protection is extended. This will already happen by 15.04.

    The program is administered by the Ministry of Tourism, funded by instruments of the European Union and / or the state budget under the Public Finance Act and the State Budget Act of the Republic of Bulgaria for 2022.

    The aid is paid by the Ministry of Tourism at categorized or registered accommodation places, entered in the National Tourist Register and at the sites, entered in the Register of places of accommodation created for the purposes of the program implementation for three reporting periods. The Register of Shelters specially created for the purposes of the implementation of the program is regulated. The Ministry of Tourism clarifies that the accommodation places entered in the National Tourist Register should not submit an application for registration in the temporary Register of Shelters.

    Only sites (dormitories, state and municipal bases, holiday resorts, etc.) that are not included in the National Tourist Register and in which displaced persons from Ukraine are accommodated are entered in the temporary register of shelters.

    Annexes to the Program regulate the procedure for reporting and payment of humanitarian aid, including instructions for using the National Investment Management System to apply for, reporting and paying for aid, as well as specific hygiene and anti-epidemic measures that must be provided at the place of accommodation of persons and instructions for feeding persons over 18 years of age. Hygiene standards are existing and in force.

    Persons who provide accommodation in a place – a place of shelter, submit an application form for registration at a place of shelter to the Minister of Tourism by e-mail: ua.statebases@tourism.government.bg. The file must be signed with a qualified electronic signature.

    The persons registered in the temporary register of places of shelter who provide accommodation and food services to the displaced persons from Ukraine need to fill in the data on the persons accommodated in the Unified Tourist Information System. In order to submit the data, the person managing the site registered in the temporary register of places of shelter needs to create his / her own profile in the system. Detailed instructions for registration in the Unified Tourist Information System and submission of data are published on the institutional page of the Ministry of Tourism in the section Unified Tourist Information System on the following website: https://www.tourism.government.bg/bg/kategorii/edinnata-sistema-za-turisticheska -information

    The period of validity of the Program is from February 24, 2022 to May 31, 2022.

    The program for the use of humanitarian aid to people seeking temporary protection in the Republic of Bulgaria as a result of the hostilities in the Republic of Ukraine can be found here.


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