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    How, where, what: About the first steps of fleeing the war in Ukraine

    Posted by Bulgaria for Ukraine on March 20, 2022

    NATIONAL HOTLINE: 02 90 55 555 and +380 322 465 075

    More than 100,000 Ukrainian citizens entered the territory of Bulgaria until March 20, 2022, and 50,000 of them remained in our country, according to the data of the Operational Coordination Group of the Council of Ministers. Statistics show that around 2,000 people stay in Bulgaria every day, who need information and assistance for accommodation and shelter.

    What is the path of everyone fleeing the war so that they can quickly and easily take advantage of the opportunity for help and services from the state?

    In order to alleviate the situation, Bulgaria has approved a procedure for immediately obtaining the status of TEMPORARY PROTECTION, which is given to the citizens of Ukraine at the border, after the relevant inspection by the border services.

    IMPORTANT: Acquisition of TEMPORARY PROTECTION does NOT restrict people fleeing the war in Ukraine from leaving the territory of Bulgaria at any time, nor does it deprive them of previous citizenship (Ukrainian or otherwise). 

    Thus, everyone who entered Bulgaria should decide whether they want to choose one of the following options:

    • To reside on the territory of Bulgaria in a visa-free regime with a Ukrainian document, as follows: Ukrainian identity document, passport, birth certificate, others;
    • To apply and register for temporary protection at the following points: see the map here: https://ukraine.gov.bg/issuance-of-temporary-protection/
    • To apply for International Protection – this happens with the mobile teams of the State Agency for Refugees (SAR) and its relevant units, and it should be borne in mind that the procedure takes at least 3 months.

    What does the status of temporary protection provide? 

    Temporary protection is granted for a period of 1 year. From the moment of its receipt, citizens have the following rights:

    • access to health care – Emergency care; right to vaccination according to the specially prepared immunization calendar for children, consistent with that of Ukraine (vaccinations are made in each RHI); equal right with Bulgarian citizens to access medical care, if they are from vulnerable groups; health control and prevention;
    • access to education – all children have access to school and kindergartens at the end of the vaccination cycle according to the Bulgarian calendar. The registration takes place in the respective RWU of the Ministry of Education and Science. An individual assessment of the educational needs when enrolling in the respective school / kindergarten is performed;
    • access to the labor market – without additional permits, except for licensed professions, which require alignment with national requirements; access to the services of the Labor Offices – information about work, referral and others;
    • opportunity to open your own bank account;
    • access to legal aid;
    • one-time social assistance in the amount of BGN 375, which is given to each person from the risk group;
    • personal number of a foreigner;
    • in case temporary protection status has not been requested at the border, Ukrainian citizens can subsequently apply in any of these places: https://ukraine.gov.bg/issuance-of-temporary-protection/#map

    What you will find on Boarder checkpoint “Dunav bridge” – Ruse and “Durankulak”?

    At the “Dunav Bridge” and “Durankulak” border checkpoints, border control is carried out, documents are checked and it is possible to issue a document for immediate temporary protection status. First aid can be provided on site in case of medical needs of visitors. There is also a distribution point on site, where everyone can receive humanitarian aid, food, sanitary materials.

    Transport (if necessary), accommodation, information and forms for various services are provided.

    Due to the emergency situation, the entry of people fleeing the war in Ukraine is also allowed to those who:

    • have an old passport format without biometric data:
    • have an ID card;
    • have a driver’s license;
    • have a birth certificate – for children up to 14 years
    • do not have any of these documents, but have other official documents that indicate their identity – for example: certificates, passes, diplomas, membership cards, bank cards, employment records, property documents and the like;
    • have absolutely no documents – exceptionally and after an inspection by Border Police officers.

    Important information for Ukrainian citizens escaping from the war:

    Hotline: 02 90 55 555 and +380 322 465 075

    Here https://ukraine.gov.bg/bg/evacuation/ you will find out how to get help for evacuation from Ukraine

    Crisis line of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

    Embassy of Ukraine in Bulgaria

    Hotline of the Embassy of Ukraine in Bulgaria – +359 878 015 102
    Working hours: EVERY DAY FROM 9 AM TO 9 PM

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