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    What protection can I receive in the Republic of Bulgaria?

    Posted by Bulgaria for Ukraine on February 28, 2022

    International protection: International protection includes refugee status and humanitarian status.

    To apply for international protection in the Republic of Bulgaria you must be located in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. You can submit the application to the officials of the State Agency for Refugees at the Council of Ministers (SAR at the Council of Ministers) or to another Bulgarian state body, which will forward it to the SAR at the Council of Ministers.

    In order for your application for international protection to be registered and for proceedings to be instituted, you need to appear in person at one of the following SAR Registration and Reception Centers at the Council of Ministers:

    • Registration and reception center Sofia
                  Address: Sofia, Ovcha Kupel, 21A Montevideo Street
    • Registration and reception center in the village of Banya
                 Address: Banya village, municipality Nova Zagora, Mineralni Bani district №17
    • Registration and reception center – Harmanli
                  Адрес: Harmanli, g.k. Druzhba № 23

    Your application for international protection should be in writing and contain your personal data, the specific request to the Republic of Bulgaria and contact details.

    During your registration as a person seeking international protection in the Republic of Bulgaria you will be photographed and your fingerprints will be taken. During the registration you will be provided with detailed information about your rights and obligations during the procedure for granting international protection. After registration you will be issued a registration card, which you must carry with you until the end of the proceedings.

    If you are a parent and accompany your minor child to 18 years of age in the Republic of Bulgaria, you can also apply for protection. In this case, the child / children should be with you when you appear in the territorial unit.

    If you are an unaccompanied minor or a minor alien, you can apply for international protection on your own behalf. In this case, you will be assigned a representative from the National Legal Aid Bureau to represent you during the international protection proceedings.

    During the production you can be accommodated in the Registration and Reception Center of SAR at the Council of Ministers or at an address chosen by you, if you have the means to meet your basic living and household needs.

    Until the completion of the proceedings for granting international protection, you are insured under the terms and conditions of the Bulgarian citizens. Upon completion of the proceedings, the persons granted international protection shall assume the payment of their health insurance contributions..

    If the procedure for granting international protection is not completed within 3 months from the submission of your application for reasons beyond your control, you have the right to access the labor market.

    After granting international protection, you have the right to access the labor market under Bulgarian law.

    You can get additional information on the spot in the Registration and Reception Centers of SAR at the Council of Ministers, at the following e-mail: sar@saref.government.bg or phone number: +359 876 388 427 or +359 876 388 437.

    Refugee status is granted to a foreigner who, due to fears of persecution based on race, religion, nationality, political opinion
    or belonging to a social group is outside his country of origin and for these reasons cannot or does not wish to benefit from
    protection of that State or to return to it.

    Humanitarian status is granted to a foreigner who does not meet the requirements for refugee status and who is unable or unwilling to receive
    protection by his country of origin, as he may be in real danger of serious harm – the death penalty, execution,
    torture, inhuman or degrading treatment, threats to life due to wanton violence in the event of armed international or domestic

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