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    Psychologists help those who arrived from Ukraine

    Posted by Bulgaria for Ukraine on February 27, 2022

    Summarised information about current psychological support initiatives. We will expand the information periodically.

    HOUR SPACE – Society for Psychology and Psychotherapy has gathered a network of certified specialists in the field of mental health who are willing and ready to provide free psychological support to all Bulgarian and Ukrainian citizens affected by the war in Ukraine. In the form below you will find their contacts, the languages ​​they work in, and other additional information. You can choose a psychologist or psychotherapist from the list and contact him directly at the specified email or phone. In case you have questions or need assistance, you can contact the team at hello@hourspace.bg.

    The Skin-Platform for Mental Health Foundation has launched a campaign for free online counseling for people in Ukraine and Ukrainian asylum seekers in Bulgaria.

    Psychologists at the foundation are ready to give consultations in Bulgarian and English with a Ukrainian and Russian translator, as well as entirely in English.

    To make an appointment for a consultation, please contact them via messenger @SkinIFeelGood or at podkrepa@koja-bg.org

    Kabinet.bg is an online platform for psychotherapeutic help and emotional support, created by the Bulgarian Society for Group Analysis and Group Processes with the support of donors. https://kabinet.bg/ 0800 20 202 Bulgarian Red Cross activates phone 08001 1466 – Contact Center for Psychosocial Support.

    Center for Child Development “Psychomotor for all children” opens its doors for play and support of Ukrainian children every weekday from 13 to 16 hours.

    All Ukrainians in Sofia who have been granted asylum here are welcome to bring their children to this interval, and it is good to write on the page before – https://www.facebook.com/movefeelplay or phones 0885416841 or 0888800491.

    A list of Israeli Russian-speaking psychotherapists ready to provide free psychological assistance to Ukrainian citizens affected by the war was spread on social networks.https://www.facebook.com/groups/338927668246444/posts/341382568000954

    The Foundation calls on all mental health professionals who wish to join to contact irina@koja-bg.org

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