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    Vaccination of Ukrainian citizens

    Posted by Bulgaria for Ukraine on April 1, 2022

    Vaccines against 11 acute infectious diseases of personal and public health are administered in Bulgaria. These include tuberculosis, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, hepatitis B, haemophilus influenzae type B, pneumococci, measles, mumps and rubella.

    Immunizations against these diseases are mandatory for all children in the country, and vaccines are administered according to the National Immunization Calendar.

    Mandatory immunisations in the Republic of Bulgaria are similar to the immunizations applied in the Republic of Ukraine.

    However, there are a few main differences:

    • Immunisation against pneumococci is not applied in Ukraine;
    • In Ukraine, live and killed polio vaccine is used, and in Bulgaria – only killed polio vaccine;
    • In Ukraine, fewer pertussis vaccine doses are used;
    • Fewer doses of tetanus and diphtheria vaccine are used in Ukraine;
    • In Ukraine, fewer hemophilus influenza vaccines are used.

    These differences, as well as the fact that in recent years the immunization coverage against the listed diseases in both countries is below the required level of 95% to ensure that there will be no outbreaks and epidemics of vaccine-preventable infectious diseases, necessitates all children with missing data or with incomplete immunization status to be vaccinated.

    For this purpose, a doctor from the regional health inspectorate in the area where you and your child will reside or the general practitioner you choose for your child will prepare an individual immunization plan for the necessary immunizations by type of vaccine and number of doses. For this purpose it is necessary to bring all available medical documents certifying the vaccines given to your child so far.

    Every child from Ukraine who has received temporary protection in the Republic of Bulgaria, certified by the received Personal Number of a foreigner, has the right to immunizations.

    Immunizations are also needed to visit your child in a nursery, kindergarten or school, without which this is impossible.

    Let’s protect the health of our children so that they can grow and learn in Bulgaria!

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