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    Citizens of Ukraine who have obtained the professional qualification of “doctor” or “nurse” in Ukraine can work in Bulgaria as medical assistants

    Posted by Bulgaria for Ukraine on June 20, 2022

    In order to work in Bulgaria as a medical assistant, you need to pass an exam in Bulgarian language and professional terminology in Bulgarian. After passing the exam, you can work in any medical institution.

    The exam in Bulgarian language and professional terminology in Bulgarian language is organized and conducted by the Center for Assessment in Preschool and School Education (TSOPUO) of the Ministry of Education and Science. More information can be found at the following link https://www.copuo.bg/category/83/node/601.
    For additional information about this exam, please call 02/970 56 11, 02/970 56 25 or e-mail: ckoko@mon.bg.

    We note that there are no legal requirements as to where and how to teach Bulgarian. All you need to do is pass the Bulgarian language and professional terminology exam at the Center.

    Please note that the next exam will be held on July 14, 2022. The deadline for submitting documents for the exam is July 7, 2022 by 17:00.

    The Bulgarian language exam is free.

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